Nintendelion was a writing project of mine that lasted 2 years. I wrote it in my freshman year of high school as a joke.
It isn't good.
The content of these pages is unedited, uncensored, unchanged, and unhinged.
A good 75% of the names in the books are dead. Including my own. They have been kept that way for sake of historical accuracy.
In this sacred place, you will find the original Nintendelion Website. As well as my personal site for the Sequel.
Nintendelion was a lot of things, creative was not one of them. It was a time killer and a source of entertainment for me and a few select people. A part of me wanted it to be seen, to be torn apart and critcized. But another wanted it to be private. Obviously, you can see who won.
Nintendelion is public, on Wattpad and now here. I don't care if people see it. I want to embrace the cringe and embarassment that comes with this work. It's a strange, jagged, and oddly beautiful part of me that needs to be kept alive.
This site was never public. I wrote it to organize my thoughts for Nintendelion 2. It quickly became outdated and useless. Fortunately, it makes for a good museum.
Please don't think less of me for using Anne Frank's picture for everything on the site. I can't even tell you why I had her on my PC, and its best not to ask.
This is an "archive" of the original website I wrote for Nintendelion. It was online for about a month, I used a sketchy free hosting service that dropped me for some reason.
Everything on this site is original. And everything broken is intentional, it wouldn't feel right if I fixed it. I wrote the code myself after taking a class. Some snippets of this site can trace their lineage back here!