Main Page The Story Itself Character Bios Nintendelion Gallery Dedications


This story started out as a school project (Weird, right?) for a History class. Originally created around March 18th of 2020. Right after most countries went into lockdown due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Due to this, I was at home for the majority of my time. And as a daily homework assignment for the History class was to write a "journal". Of course, this got boring real quick and I ended up writing about a world after a major pandemic. The journal homework slowly became just Nintendelion. Most of the story was actually turned in for a grade, and my teacher loved it. It was creative enough to entertain my teacher in a sea of boring and bland journal entries from most of my classmates.

So my first dedication goes out to Mr.V, my History teacher, for being my first reader(mostly against his will) and encouraging whatever madness I wrote.

My next dedication goes out to Sam. My editor, artist and main source of inspiration. Sam gave me ideas for chapters when I had no idea for what to do. Nintendelion would not be the story it is without Sam providing feedback, art, and a steady flow of memes for inspiration. Sam made all the official Art you see in the gallery as well as the background for this website. Honestly, I owe a good bit of thanks to Sam as they really did help make Nintendelion what it is.

My third dedication is a two-parter. I wanna shout out some small time guys, The Nintendo corporation and Hideaki Anno. Shoutout to Nintendo for making the DS.(aka the main Villain) as well as making up the "Ninten" part of Nintendelion.
Shoutout to my boy Hideaki Anno for making "Neon Genesis Evangelion" which I was watching at the time. I based one of the endings off of the "End of Evangelion" movie. I also took the "delion" part of Nintendelion from the "Eva" series."

Finally, shoutouts to the various meme pages that fueled my inane ramblings.
As well as my HTML teacher for teaching me how to make this website.
And Soulja Boy, for just existing.
My friends, who still probably haven't talked to each other in over 2 years and don't know I wrote them into a book.
And last but not least, thanks to Bytehost for hosting this website, for free. You the real MVP.